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If you decide Grand Master Gerhardt is a perfect fit, use the Booking Page below to schedule the next available time slot. (G.M.G. will create a private session directly within Zoom Live Video Streaming after verifying your payment.) Alternatively, you may book your Psychic Reading as a future appointment; you'll receive the Teleport.video link in your e-mail. Be certain to adjust the booking time zone at the top center of the Booking Page after choosing the desired length of your Psychic Reading.

G.M.G.'s HOURS Close

Monday Off
Tuesday Off
Wednesday 11:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Thursday 11:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Friday 11:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Saturday 11:00a.m.-6:00p.m.
Sunday 11:00a.m.-6:00p.m.


Discovering the fascinating world of Tarot thirty-five years ago, I purchased my first Tarot deck while still a student studying Business Administration. Ditching the accounting and finance books after graduating to study Mary K. Greer's book TAROT FOR YOUR SELF, I finally studied what I truly wished to learn! After months of diligent focus, however, I threw up my hands in total frustration, tossed Mary Greer's book aside (never to be opened again), then jabbed my fist to the heavens a la Scarlet O'Hara, passionately exclaiming "Someday I'll know the real meaning of these cards!"

Twenty years later I did learn the real meanings of the Tarot cards by learning they are not just a fun system for divination. Instead, I learned they are Esoteric tools that represent inter-dimensional dynamics of how humans create their reality at subconscious and superconscious levels. Thus, they are tools for wielding consciousness as well as spiritual power. Therein lies the Ancient secret to the Tarot...for anyone who masters the Tarot, masters her Life!


I had an exciting childhood! It began when my father retired early from corporate leadership, relocating our family to San Carlos, Mexico, near Guaymas, Sonora. Basking on the beaches, learning Spanish, and living as a retiree throughout my teens was just one of the advantages of growing up in a foreign country.

Returning to the United States to obtain my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Arizona, I began taking Egyptian belly dance classes as a hobby. Traveling to Egypt where I was mysteriously transformed while visiting inside the smallest pyramid in Giza, I thereafter began unraveling the mysterious occult Mind Control photographs discovered from my childhood. Realizing various of the fake "family" Mind Control photographs were based upon specific esoteric Tarot cards, I subsequently began deprogramming multiple lines of personality (alters) from my subconscious; along with crippling, disease, homelessness, and abuse. Becoming an adept in the Mystery School spiritual lineage, I attained Self-Mastery, becoming a Master Psychic--successfully wielding the power of the Tarot, Kabbalah, and Alchemical secrets of Ancient Wisdom. Now owning an Ancient Egyptian-themed spiritual store (based upon King Solomon's Temple), in Old Town Scottsdale, I've attained complete happiness and success! Abduction and subsequent laser scarring of the inside of my upper lip has not thwarted my success one iota; nor have all the years of Mind Control and Psychic Attack starting at four months of age. . . .

Needless to say, I've never been happier in my entire life. Every day is a joy...every day I help people to achieve happiness, success...get answer, whatever it is they come to me about...because helping people, in my opinion, is the most rewarding thing there is to do in life. From a lifetime of horrific challenge and even horror, to one of true happiness and fulfillment, I can be the beacon of light that shines for your own success story--whatever you choose that story to be!

Where There's Mastery, There's No Mystery!

Grand Master Gerhardt

Decorative gold-colored bar.
egyptian column for decoration on right and left sides
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